Tuesday, February 28, 2017

HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08)

CNN post:

HMS Queen Elizabeth is the lead ship of the Queen Elizabeth-class of aircraft carrier, the largest warship ever built for the Royal Navy and capable of carrying up to forty aircraft. She was named by Queen Elizabeth II 

Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926)

Queen Elizabeth second = 93 Reduced  ,  210 Ordinal
Mary = 511 Jewish
Saturn = 21 Reduced  , 93 Ordinal  ,  511 Jewish

She was born on 111th day of year. 11 months 1 day later is May 20, date that ships were ordered

Elizabeth II been Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand since 6 February 1952. She is Head of the Commonwealth and Queen of 12 countries.
Queen of twelve countries = 114 (S)  ,  111 Reverse Reduce
Elizabeth = 114 Francis

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary = 369 Reverse Ordinal  ,  126 Reverse Reduce
United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand = 369 Ordinal  ,  162 Reduces

From 6th of February till 20th of May is 3 mounths and 14 days  π-314

MHS = 118 Francis 
MHS is  lead ship  named by Queen Elizabeth II on 4 July 2014     4/7/2014
Lead ship = 38 Reduced  ,  74 Ordinal  ,  47 Reverse Reduced

Was expected to begin sea trials in March 2017
March twenty seventeen = 88 Reduced
Elizabeth = 88 Ordinal
Two thousand and twenty = 88 (S)
Some historians believe the Romans named March after Mars, the Roman god of war

"Unlike most large carriers she is not fitted with catapults and arrestor wires and is instead designed to operate V/STOL  aircraft; her air wing will typically consist of F-35B Lightning II fighter-bombers and Merlin helicopters for airborne early warning and anti-submarine warfare."
V/STOL = 88 Ordinal  , 47 Reverse
F-35B Lightning II = 77  ,  Mars = 77  ,   Power = 77
F-Thirty Five-B    = 69 Reduce, 66 Reverse Reduce and Jewish
Queen Elizabeth   = 69 Reduce, 66 Reverse
Lightning II = 118 Ordinal    Death = 118 Jewish

Fighter-bomber= 74 Reduced  ,  223 Reverse Ordinal

Merlin helicopters = 93 Reduced  ,  227 Francis  , 88 Reverse Reduced
Anti-submarine  = 88 Reverse Reduced

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This CNN post and picture caught my attention.   http://edition.cnn.com/2017/03/09/europe/dusseldorf-train-station-attack/index.html ...